Its free, its eco friendly and productive. Such a process is worth its weight in gold yet very few people have a "wormery" in their homes. To me this is a big mystery as my wormery is one of the corner stones in my meagre attempt to run a greener house. All our coffee grinds, tea bags, salad and vegetable peels, junk mail, old newspapers and cardboard egg cartons are turned into potting earth and very rich fertilizer. Not only is this an ideal recycling process but cost saving as well as here in Spain earth is expensive.
This may seem like a horrendous idea to many people, but if run correctly the process is completely odourless and can be kept indoors and you need hardly see them.
I spent a long time trying to find a wormary in Spain and eventually found a company in Barcelona ( which had a"Can-o-Worms" type of wormary, however, in the end I went for the "worm-works" model from, which they kindly delivered to my door.
The principle is the same in both makes; you have a tray in which you place your waste and the worms eat the waste and produce "castings" which can be added to your garden or into you soil or used directly for pot plants. It is often called "Black Gold". A liquid is also produced and both the can-o-worms and worm-works have a lower tray with a tap which is used to siphon off the liquid which is used on a 10:1 ratio ( 10 litres of water to one litre liquid) to fertilise all your plants.
There are many videos and web pages that show you how to make your own wormery and as I expand I will be experimenting with these ideas, but as a real beginner in this I felt I needed the support and experience of the sellers. My wormery has run for over a year and survived the the big rain and a very hot summer and I think they are all great.
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